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A group of hackers has hit hundreds of hospitals, including
A group of hackers has hit hundreds of hospitals, including
A group of hackers has hit hundreds of hospitals, including in Missouri. The effects last years.
U.S. hospitals have seen a record number of cyberattacks in recent years. Such attacks can upend hospital operations, costing millions of dollars and putting patients' lives at risk.
Related Keywords
Peru ,
Sikeston ,
Missouri ,
United States ,
Indiana ,
Illinois ,
Capital Region Medical Center ,
Missouri Delta Medical Center ,
Afghanistan ,
Afghani ,
Stacey Hummel ,
David Wong ,
John Riggi ,
David Dunkle ,
Dona Thomas ,
Rick Kester ,
Johnson Memorial Health ,
Infrastructure Security Agency ,
Google ,
Margaret Health ,
Ibm ,
Us Department Of Justice ,
American Hospital Association ,
Office For Civil Rights ,
Indiana Hospital Association ,
Farah Yousry ,
Side Effects Public ,
American Hospital ,
Indiana Hospital ,
Johnson Memorial ,
Foreign Assets Control ,
Civil Rights ,
Google Cloud ,
Google Translate ,
Infrastructure Security ,
Chief Operating Officer Rick ,