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A doctor's Ebola memoir is all too timely with a new outbrea
A doctor's Ebola memoir is all too timely with a new outbrea
A doctor's Ebola memoir is all too timely with a new outbreak in Uganda
Dr. Benjamin Black talks about Belly Woman: Birth, Blood and Ebola — the inside story of what it was like to face a terrifying epidemic in West Africa.
Related Keywords
Sierra Leone ,
Gondama ,
Southern ,
United Kingdom ,
Sudan ,
Uganda ,
London ,
City Of ,
British ,
Centers For Disease ,
Gondama Referral Center ,
Neem Tree ,
Ebola Treatment Center ,
Benjamin Black ,
Belly Woman ,
West Africa ,
Disease Control ,
Medicins Sans ,
Belly Woman Birth ,
Neem Tree Press ,
Ebola Treatment ,
West African Ebola ,