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A celebration of progress and a change in leadership at the
A celebration of progress and a change in leadership at the
A celebration of progress and a change in leadership at the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies
Capping a decade of accomplishment as director of the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies, Eric Goldstein transfers the reins to Miriam Udel, whose three-year term leading the institute begins this fall.
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Germany ,
United States ,
American ,
German ,
Kate Rosenblatt ,
Craig Perry ,
Yeshivat Maharat ,
Eric Goldstein ,
Mel Konner ,
Marshall Duke ,
Paul Entis ,
Ellie Schainker ,
Tamar Menashe ,
Miriam Udel ,
Geoffrey Levin ,
Jake Krakovsky ,
Tam Institute For Jewish Studies ,
Emory College Of Arts ,
Emory College Dean Michael Elliott ,
Association Of Jewish Libraries Reference Award ,
Tam Institute ,
Emory College ,
Jewish Studies ,
American Jewish ,
American Jews ,
College Dean Michael Elliott ,
Middle Eastern Studies ,
German Studies ,
Tenenbaum Family Lecture Series ,
Rothschild Lecture ,
American Identity ,
Yiddish Children ,
Jewish Libraries Reference Award ,
Modern Jewish Worldmaking ,
Interdisciplinary Faculty Fellowships ,
Theater Emory ,
Clever Pup ,
Jewish Eastern ,