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A brain circuit tied to emotion may lead to better treatment
A brain circuit tied to emotion may lead to better treatment
A brain circuit tied to emotion may lead to better treatments for Parkinson's disease
The symptoms of Parkinson's disease can vanish briefly in the face of stress or a strong emotion. Now scientists are searching for a treatment based on this phenomenon, a form of the placebo effect.
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California ,
United States ,
Netherlands ,
Dutch ,
Santa Barbara ,
Linda Kozik ,
Luanne Radermacher ,
Rob Turner ,
William Stauffer ,
Helen Schwerdt ,
University Of California ,
Club In Pittsburgh ,
Science Across Parkinson Initiative ,
University Of Pittsburgh ,
University Of Pittsburgh Brain Institute ,
Michaelj Fox Foundation ,
Peter Strick ,
Pittsburgh Brain ,
Aligning Science Across Parkinson ,
Northern California ,
Bill Langston ,
Rich Mushinsky ,