February 1, 2021, 1:02pm In news that makes you say “Why?”: last week, the ACLU of Indiana filed a lawsuit against the Jackson County Public Library, on behalf of a man who was banned for life from the library over an original Trump-critical poem he left at the library. The suit claims that Jackson County Public Library has violated the man’s First Amendment rights, as well as the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Richard England, 68, has attended the Seymour branch of the Jackson County Public Library twice a week for over a decade, befriending several library employees. As the ACLU noted in their suit, England cannot afford cable television, internet service, or other forms of paid entertainment. In November, England brought an anti-Trump poem he had written, “The Red Mean,” to give to a library employee who he believed would enjoy the poem, but since the employee wasn’t working, he instead left the poem in a basket on the circulation desk which held extra masks for customers.