85 held in Woodbrook nightclub raid charged : comparemela.co

85 held in Woodbrook nightclub raid charged

85 held in Woodbrook nightclub raid charged
FILE: Detained patrons sitting on the dance floor of the Residence nightclub in One Woodbrook Place, while police officers verified their ID and other information, before releasing them.
Eighty five pa­trons who were al­leged­ly caught by po­lice dur­ing a raid at the Res­i­dence Night Club, One Wood­brook Place, St. James, ear­li­er this year, have been charged and are ex­pect­ed to be ap­pear be­fore a Port-of-Spain Mag­is­trate on Au­gust 30.
A po­lice re­lease said the ac­cused peo­ple were charged via sum­mons fol­low­ing an ex­ten­sive in­ves­ti­ga­tion by Cpl Pati­no of the St. James Po­lice Sta­tion.

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