7 more stations to be repurposed in modern policing plan Sunday 21 February 2021 Moriah Police Station in Tobago is to be used as a medical facility for officers to get basic medical attention. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE - SEVEN more police stations will be repurposed as the police seek to cut back on costs as they currently owe suppliers $182 million as at the end of January. In an e-mailed response to Sunday Newsday, the police said some of the seven stations will not be repurposed this fiscal year. The seven are Mayaro; Four Roads (Diego Martin), both to be transformed into virtual courts; Cap-deVille Police Station (Point Fortin) will be used to accommodate the municipal police as a base and will be working along with police officers; San Juan sub-station will become the Traffic Investigations Unit to provide assistance with traffic management in the division; the St Madeleine and St Margaret’s police stations (San Fernando) will house homicide and Fraud Squad and the Gender-Based Violence Unit and Sexual Offences Unit for the southern and south western divisions, respectively. The Arima Police Station will also be used to hold virtual court sessions as well.