60-day Deadline for Chlorpyrifos and Meth Found in Strawberries Tuesday May 4th, 2021 From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update. **This is the busiest time of year for beekeepers who breed and sell queen bees to help replenish honeybee colonies, and the breeders say the drought may lead to additional demand. Dry weather reduces the amount of forage available to bees, meaning beekeepers could need to buy more queens to restock hives. Bee breeders say demand for new queens has been so intense that they have had to turn away prospective customers. **After blasting the EPA for “13 years of interminable delay,” the federal appeals court in San Francisco set a 60-day deadline for the agency to either ban agricultural use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos or set newer and safer exposure levels for the chemical.