6 manufacturers in Lenawee County receive workforce training funds By Daily Telegram staff Two of Lenawee County's state legislators recently recognized six local manufacturers that received Going Pro Talent Fund Awards earlier this year. Rep. Bronna Kahle and Sen. Dale Zorn recognized AGET Manufacturing Co. in Adrian, Axis Engineering in Britton, Kirchoff Automotive USA Inc. in Tecumseh, L&W Engineering in Blissfield, Solved near Clinton and Wacker Chemical Corp. in Raisin Township, a news release from Michigan Works Southeast said. The grant awards are part of the state’s Going Pro Talent Fund. The fund provides competitive awards for training that enhances talent, productivity and employee retention while increasing the quality and competitiveness of Michigan’s businesses, the release said. It ensures that employers have the talent they need to compete and grow nationally and globally, and that people have the in-demand skills they need for good jobs.