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50-year plan for all the Shakespeares - new East Sussex tour
50-year plan for all the Shakespeares - new East Sussex tour
50-year plan for all the Shakespeares - new East Sussex tour
Bowler Crab theatre company are touring the 1066 area this summer with As You Like It.
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East Sussex ,
United Kingdom ,
Bexhill ,
Forest Of Arden ,
Warwickshire ,
Phil Hewitt ,
Jonny Magnanti ,
Stephen John ,
Duke Frederick Jack Cameron ,
National Theatre ,
Terms Of Service ,
Kelly Tipping ,
Duke Frederick ,
Jack Cameron ,
Bowler Crab ,
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Stables Theatre ,
Six Penny Lawn ,
Battle Abbey ,
Manor Barn ,
Mermaid Inn ,
Half House Farm ,
Three Oaks ,