5 Things Alaska: Health legislation, State budget, DHSS split DJ Wilson | Jan 20, 2021 Share this: We are now on the other side of the 45th peaceful transfer of power since our Constitution was ratified in 1789. It is one of the most uncommon things in the great swath of human history, having hardly been done without swords or battles of some sort. Here, in America, we do this by election. If your candidate won, congratulations. If your candidate didn’t win, that is the great luxury of living in a republican democracy. You know you’ll get another chance. Now, Alaska and America move towards a period of lawmaking and governance. Municipal elections are coming up on April 6th, which are consequential. But, it’s also nice to know we won’t likely have quite the animus of the 2020 elections until at least the mid-terms roll around in 2022.