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4H Clubs score big overseas - Jamaica Observer : comparemela
4H Clubs score big overseas - Jamaica Observer : comparemela
4H Clubs score big overseas - Jamaica Observer
Officials in Washington, DC and Virginia's Loudoun county welcomed a delegation of government officials recently at special meetings and receptions hosted by INMED Partnerships for Children.
Related Keywords
Jamaica ,
Wisconsin ,
United States ,
Washington ,
America ,
Kelly Burk ,
Phyllis Randall ,
States Jennifer Smith ,
Jennifer Sirangelo ,
Ronald Blake ,
Collin Virgo ,
Franklin Witter ,
Jamaica Ministry Of Agriculture ,
Ministry Of Agriculture ,
H Council ,
H Regional Council Caribbean Latin America ,
Social Enterprise ,
Fisheries Franklin Witter ,
Chairman Collin Virgo ,
Executive Director Dr Ronald ,
County Board Chair Phyllis Randall ,
Latin America ,
Regional Council ,
Leesburg Mayor Kelly Burk ,
Jamaica Ministry ,