40 Life Lessons I Learned Before 40 (Tip #1: Trust Your Gut) If you’ve been following along on social media, you may have heard me reference “RTF” quite a bit: Road to Forty. I turn 40 in March and I’ve been thinking a bit about what I want that year to look like, how I’ll celebrate, and what I want to accomplish in my last year of my 30’s. In recapping the life lessons I learned before 40 and where I’ve been, I realize I have lived a very full life. From Nebraska to Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles and Austin, from being a TV and film publicist to managing and programming for one of the largest festivals in the world to writing, being an ambassador for a premier cycling brand to an international clothing brand, to hosting two speaker series, and interviewing creatives around the world for main stages, podcasts, and so much more.