On Thursday, in the morning, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM and Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD received the Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China in Brisbane, Dr Ruan Zongze, Spouse of Consul-General Ruan, Ms Ouyang Hongbing, Deputy Consul-General, Mr Yang Chengqi and Consul, Mr Wang Lin.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency received the Clerk of the Parliament, Mr Neil Laurie, for the presentation of the Personal Injuries Proceedings and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 and the Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2022.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency welcomed members of Portofino Residential Aged Care Facility visiting for a guided tour of the House and Gardens.
In the afternoon, at Government House, members of the public visited for a guided tour of the House and Gardens.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency presided over a meeting of the Executive Council, via teleconference.