Last week, we reported on a military exercise taking place on the Twentynine Palms Marine base, in which the Marines were training to “rescue” civilians out of a foreign country. Managing editor Tami Roleff has more information about the non-combatant evacuation operation… “Basically we are told this country, they need help, and they have a lot of US citizens that they need to evacuate. So it’s our job to basically come here, secure this landing zone, without being harassed by protesters. And it’s our job to basically ensure that all Americans get evacuated.” SSgt Damian Salaman said Marines are sent in to help with evacuations overseas for a variety of reasons: including civil unrest, military uprisings, environmental concerns, and natural disasters. The evacuations are recommended (or ordered) by the Department of State, and the Defense Department sends in the Marines. The NEO training was part of Weapons and Tactics Instructors course at the Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, and the Integrated Training Exercise 3-21.