2021 Stinkingwater Wild Horse Gather Overview The Wild-Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 gives BLM the direction for protecting and overseeing wild horses and burros on public lands. In managing these animals, the BLM works to maintain a thriving ecological balance that supports healthy horses on healthy rangelands. Heavy to severe wild horse grazing jeopardizes the health of rangelands, wetlands, wildlife habitats, and ultimately animal health and condition. The Appropriate Management Level – the number of horses the range can sustainably support in conjunction with other animals and resource uses – for the Stinkingwater Herd Management Area is 40 to 80 animals. An aerial survey of Stinkingwater HMA occurred on June 21, 2021. During this survey, a direct count of 449 horses (382 adults, 67 foals) were documented within and adjacent to the HMA.