JUNE •June 11: Kids & Clays Sporting Clays Shoot, benefit for Ronald McDonald House Charities, Pikes Peak Gun Club, rmhcsouthern colorado.org. • June 19: •June 29 and Oct. 4: Cameron Memorial Golf Tourney, Flying Horse North and Perry Park, to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities, register:rmhcsoutherncolorado.org. JULY golf tournament, Cheyenne Mountain Resort, best ball scramble format, cheyennevillage.org/cheyenne-village-golf- tournament. AUGUST • Aug. 19-21: Goodwill of Colorado’s An Enchanted Weekend at Garden of the Gods Resort & Club, chic boutique, golf tournament and on the mesa events, AnEnchanted Weekend.com. • Aug. 20: Happy Trails, El Paso County Parks, 6 p.m., Fox Run Park, to benefit a planned nature center in the park, information to come.