Rated NR · 1 hr 25 min Documentary German filmmaker Malte Ludin explores the questionable legacy of his father, executed Plenipotentiary Nazi Party Minister Hanns Ludin, in this documentary that delves into a dark family history while exploring just how stories are passed down through the generations. It's been 60 years since the end of World War II, and though the story of Hanns Ludin is now a matter of public record, his family continues to whitewash their history and deny the brutal facts. A Reichswehr soldier of the Weimar Republic who gained notoriety by conspiring on behalf of Adolf Hitler, Ludin rapidly rose to become a SA-Obergruppenführer before being bestowed the Blood Order and other prestigious Nazi distinctions. Sent to the Protectorate of the Greater German Empire Slovakia as Plenipotentiary Minister in 1941, Ludin was assigned the task of implementing the interests of Berlin in the region -- in particular the Final Solution. In 1947 Ludin was handed over to Czechoslovakia by the Americans, convicted of war crimes, and executed. Now Ludin's youngest son, Malte, interviews the sisters, nieces, nephews, and in-laws who knew his father best in order to find out whether the man who devoted his life to the advancement of the Nazi party is viewed as a martyr or a criminal in the eyes of his family.~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide