Transcripts For 1TV PODKAST 20240703 :

Transcripts For 1TV PODKAST 20240703

Protects himself from this, he must protect himself the childs psyche at this moment, it works faster than you can understand anything, the defense works faster, i suggest you just test this hypothesis through this experiment, when you feel inside yourself the reasons why you can abandon the child and transfer them to mom, try to look in the opposite direction, in the opposite direction just to see what. You are for her, well, this is, well, i dont know, a trigger that caused her not the best feelings, this happens rarely, but happens, and you, being this trigger, then dont could understand all of this, its true, you were too small, of course, you were in pain, this is also true, even now its difficult to figure it out, there are a lot of nuances when youre a child its obvious. You are watching the podcast triggers with you, its host tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasyabyan, we are talking with artyom about what its like to be a black sheep. Find all podcastlab projects on the website of the First Channel 1tv. Ru. Whats happening to you now . Such a loss, easy. Well, try to live this lostness now, and not give up on it, because this the loss will be very similar to the loneliness that you experienced then, it is so. Then it was completely unbearable, it s not very unbearable now, but then it was downright unbearable, because all that is needed here is to understand her truth, to feel why, not to justify her, not to love her again, but simply to integrate this experience for yourself as experience , through which you feel this loneliness, when you talk about the white crow, we have the idea that this metaphor says that we are not just special, but we are lonely, because the crow. It will be insulting and sad again, the lack of understanding, really, if you want, ill tell you why i want, again i dont understand, i will have it, then ill go in a taxi, from the shoot ill think, why is that so, ask me where i got the desire to do that to do, here i am just a living person, im sitting and i can answer this question for you, a question that even if you ask your friends and you just dont want to run after you asking why im leaving, why are you going, because with you its very its hard to talk because youre always there say, it feels like youre telling lies all the time, its sad that you think so, because everything i told you, i m telling you about the feeling, look, this doesnt mean at all that im right, this doesnt mean at all that im right, i tried to come in from different sides several times, but already on the third, on the third try, i no longer had the desire, i did it only professionally, you know, but people dont , well, sort of. And in general i thought , is it good or bad, how should i feel about it, and specifically in mine, well, if it makes you happy, then its good, but if it makes you unhappy, then its probably bad, but you dont have to evaluate it, just kind of focus on the sensations, why sergei says that you talk so much, why is it difficult in this, because theres a lot protection, there is a lot of rationalization, there are a lot of explanations, it is clear that you could not survive without this, did you need to somehow explain to yourself to your baby . So why am i not chosen, but behind this there is so much pain, still, yes, yes, then you chose to become, forgive better, better, better, better, you are really cool, there are no questions, but people dont need that, people need you for real and with that pain, because the pain that you experienced then will make you so wise, so sympathizers, that people themselves will be drawn to you, because they will be looking for this sympathy, and you noticed correctly, you noticed correctly . That i always strived for an ideal, well, my own, to be ideal, ideal in character, ideal in communication, an ideal guy for my girlfriend, of course, because if i they dont accept me for who i am, we children begin to try different models, we try to adapt, and if im like this, and if im perfect, and if im obedient, and if im very good, and if im like this, and of course you tried , and the truth is you had no other choice, because otherwise you would have chosen something else, you chose it and you became into it. An ideal image, but people feel that behind it, behind this image, there is really a lot of pain and there are real you there, so the discrepancy between the picture and reality is a little confusing, so people are a little, they they move away, they distance themselves, it is clear that it is very difficult to open, but the door is there. You need to open it gradually, opening it a little, but the way out is there, let me then be a little bit of a mystery person that you want to solve, who you want to get to know better, well, thats great, of course, but just if you still want to build relationships with people, then its unlikely that people will be interested in figuring out the relationship in which you, i dont know, will enter into with a girl, there, probably, yes, there will probably be some interest in it. If they dont find it, then they usually dont communicate. Sergei said that he would get up and leave, because its not interesting, and so, when you are real, when you stop closing yourself off, he said, because its difficult, difficult, because its not interesting, because you have to figure it out, because some kind of double messages. There are absolutely no questions at all, we believe, its true, you say what you think, but there inside, there is another artyom, can i suggest you consider it as some kind of difference, honestly artyom and sincere, artyom, these are different people, honest you were, sincere, not always, sometimes i managed to stop you, sometimes we managed to show you some moment when you just need to say stop loading. You inside, but in most cases you jump out of there like a cork, this is also normal, also natural, because it is unbearable for you to be there, because being sincere is dangerous for you, you need a person, you understand that your mother did not do the most important thing, the only one in in general, the mothers task, after she has already fed you, and you are in in general, there you can move to take care of yourself somehow, this is essentially to continue your experiences, this pain of yours, to continue what is this, forgive me . Hug you, for example, say, i understand how it hurts you, son, i understand, im sorry, i cant choose you, because this man forces me, for example, to betray you there, and my love for him is more than love to you, i know that it hurts you, but if she had done that, it would have been much easier for you, but she didnt do it because she didnt know how, this is a fact, yeah, and of course, you are now looking for someone who could do this, but then you need to open up, but here. The path to people will still lie through understanding people, this is what you need and sympathy for people , so i say, dont try to justify your mother, just try to find inside yourself the reason why she did what she did, its only inside us, we cant look for the reason inside other people, but we look in , for example, we say, i would leave my child, if, well, if he was born with two heads, for example, well, even if we have three heads, it doesnt matter, he has eight arms, it doesnt matter, i looked. Its interesting with you, yes, being a black sheep is, in general, either a choice or misfortune. Well, it was the triggers podcast, we were with you, uh, psychologists, presenters, tatyana krasnovskaya, sergey nasebyan, we talked with artyom about what it must be like to be a black sheep, and im ready to admit my own powerlessness in this case. All episodes of the triggers podcast. You can find it on the website of the First Channel 1tv. Ru. You know, artyom, if you listen to this recommendation, you probably have some friends there who work in childrens departments and hospitals. You go, there is in the childrens departments, in the very same childrens departments, there is always a ward for refusals. Just look at the children, as it were, who basically dont know that they have parents, dont know at all, maybe youll want to, well, theyll probably give it to you. Communicate, but you might want to, you can see a lot about yourself if you really its interesting to figure this out, then i strongly recommend having more sympathy for people, well, ill tell you that i have a lot of sympathy for you, can i calm you down, thank you, hello, this is the burn with fire podcast and i, its host Denis Gorelov with a story about the current serial news on the Domestic Television market. I want to warn you that sometimes i will say the word film, this does not mean at all that we are talking about fulllength films, these are long films, eight and ten episodes, most often in this podcast only tv series are mentioned; rare cases when fulllength films are mentioned are discussed separately. Lets start with the tv series obvious. Incredible, in which, importantly, there should be no punctuation between the words obviously and incredible. The series is based on the prose of ker bulalychev about the city of veliky guslyar, standing on the gus river, very much reminiscent of the volga, where, in fact, everything was filmed, as far as i remember, the filming locations were in astrakhan. Kir bulychev, lets be honest, we admit it to everyone except his daughter alice, he didnt particularly like people, although he hid it carefully. He loved all kinds of miracles, all kinds. The customs of various ancient animals and provincial russian cities in ramshackle rickety churches, and his people all the time turned out to be some bald, some quarrelsome and some green, because of this, in the peoples memory, mainly only the cycle about alice remained, although balychev wrote a lot of other things, he had film adaptations of comet and chance, but even there he concentrated on various anomalous phenomena, people somehow, mostly still. They came out somewhat erased and flat, which, of course, did not benefit the film adaptations; they were not preserved in memory. A Cheerful Group of contemporaries, including director alexander vaitinsky, decided to correct the classic, who finally came to his senses and stopped making films about maniacs, which he was not very successful with. Screenwriter kudymov, whom no one has heard of before, but now he will hear it properly, is a smart screenwriter, he managed to organize very diverse stories and short stories into a single whole and is generally a great guy, and also. Two production units, occupied separately, usually with various, ordinary, absurdities, unusual things, etc. , these are sharapov anurov, the shishken troika, gordeev dmitrievskaya, but recently they have approached the topic of various anomalies very seriously. Which of them was the first to realize, in principle, that the great hutsl cycle lacks the main throughandthrough character, well, lets say, the director. The second technique of cornelia udolov with a bald head and strange behavior was completely unsuitable for this job, who decided this is completely unclear, there are a lot of people, but he is clearly very gifted man and special praise to him. Udalov was replaced by a redhaired fellow, the deputy mayor played by artyom bystrov, who himself is quite redhaired, his wife was repainted as svetlana khotchenko, the character is clear in advance, and a childhood friend. Who became the new mayor, they made belinsky the new mayor, replacing maxim logashkin, who, like all mayors, naturally wants only good and wants through the development of various anomalies. The passage of aliens and so on, to put the city into orbit, to introduce it into the golden ring of russia while the inhabitants are completely they want a golden ring, but they want to play chess with aliens on the boulevards and so that no one will distract them with blitzes, flashes and similar tourist nonsense, which in general becomes the main essence of the through line of the series, without which a movie is not a movie, and thus red the deputy mayor is hiding the megalomaniac alien vlyuk from the mayor. Talking goldfish in a rod, a time machine in a closet, and supergifted babies solving integral equations in a potty. Sometimes he actually uses a time machine to fly into the past and root his family, because his classmate and now the mayor once also laid claim to the hand and heart of his chosen one, studying with them in the same class. Of course, a visit to the past, as the back to the future franchise shows, can change a lot of things in the present, the present in the branch. Children multiply, move from family to family, this does not interfere with what is happening at all, after all , such a regal poisonousness of khotchenkova, it is suitable for any version of the present and future, just like the rustic bystrovs pretentiousness and some of the bosses were dumbfounded by slogashkina, whom we have seen a thousand times in various other films, every time we are glad to see again, it is always pleasant when peoples artists, peoples not the title, but. In fact, the title has not yet been awarded to them, when they are allowed to really play the fool, uh, after all, there is a great guslar here, its always like that with us. When khotchenko reduces her husband to pocket size and takes him to a symphony concert instead of fishing, and he sits there on the back of a chair, angry in the jacket of a familiar gnome, it seems that this is exactly what kirblychev would have wanted to do at one time, but somehow got wrapped up in his fixation on his daughter and miracles. The musical accompaniment deserves special compliments, as in his time the selector of music for the well wait series. Great guslyar, of course, is an eternal city, a stable city, nothing has changed there for decades, but the music was specially selected from audio hits, Audio Classics of the late seventies, which, with their retrofuturistic fervor, are very consistent with the city of great guslyar. This and the song golden fish that sounded in ours. My mother cried with joy for us, the same shainsky, this is the tukhmanov olympics in the 80s , performed by a fat man from estonia, tynisamyagi, from whose lips the phrase today there is no escape from sports, there is no salvation from sports sounded absolutely wonderful. And finally, everyone is already tired of this migulina grass near the house, of course, the earth in the porthole from the frequent constant repetition in retro films, but without it the guslar is not a guslar, the image of such. The whitest russian city at the turn of the times, of which this city is completely doesnt notice, its very accurately conveyed by all these hits, uncle is at work, theyre with someone at the cinema, but the stars are nevertheless, but the stars are nevertheless, and take the palace for yourself, goldfish, the earth will be happy and young, separately for me i liked the line from the song olympics 80 today there will be more warmth and joy on earth, and antonovs space music floats into our business conversation, its very suitable. For the prose of kir bulychev, and of course, at every minute there is some improvement in the authors outline with healthy reactions of a healthy humans and unknown animals. When pure crystal vodka begins to pour from the tap in the great guslyar, at the will of the guslyar residents, the fish do not shy away into the corner of the aquarium being poured like bulychevs, on the contrary, they begin to swim quite cheekily, asking for a salad to snack on and put into the aquarium. They begin to pour the brine, which is wonderful in itself, the talented oneyearold baby, in addition to solving integral equations, says to molodtsov, where is aunt yulia, a gorgeous woman, how she presses me to sleep. Aunt yulia, a gorgeous woman, having reduced her husband to microscopic size, arranges for him a demonstrative fitting in a boutique, categorically not noticing that he had exchanged a dwarf with a friend. The gnome, of course, applauds and admires, but at the moment when the heroine with. A playful smile carries him behind the curtain to watch the fitting of lace panties, he begins to yell, no, and we understand the gnome very well here. Aunt yulia is, of course, a gorgeous woman, but there is a limit to everything. And finally, in one of the episodes, aliens arrive and beat the mayor on the big head with a wooden mallet from school labor lessons, to the song this world was not invented. us, this world was not invented by me. Dear series friends, comrades, of course, this world was not invented by you. But you lived it out absolutely gorgeously, where they are, they are well done. The next issue of our program will be the series others. Four producers, remizova nelidov, kitaev and filipuk began with evil spirits, they quite competently assessed the commercial potential of evil in the eyes of the young undergrowth balduevs, and began to invest in various sketches about satan personally, the end of the world, about the invasion of ghosts, king ishut, or close the gestalt, lets say. About various paranormal phenomena and the like, in such a situation they certainly could not pass by the director with the last name vladimir raksha. Because in hindu mythology raksha means a demon, and with its previous pictures, raksha fully corresponds to the new needs of these four. The surname raksha is quite rare in our country, so its no wonder that the herodirector is the grandson of the Famous Artist of the seventies yuri raksha, a classic vertical panorama that hollywood loves very much, panoramas taiga forest, they actually quote grandfathers landscapes of the mystical taiga, written for the film kirus vydersu uzala, on whose staff yuri raksha worked as an artist, visual talents were clearly completely inherited by his grandson, the picture is gorgeous, and the only thing that can confuse, well, is a somewhat frankly cosmic narcissism, on wikipedia, director araksha is praised for her exceptional talents, outstanding films, and also again. With a beam of directed energy, the girl is able to stop trams, tear them apart wolves, blow up bad apartments and spoil the peaceful prewar life of leningrad in all other ways. The hunt for her includes, on the one hand, state security commissioner petrov , played by nikolai fomenko, and on the other hand, the chief of the great mystical project of the third reich himself, annarbe neumann , played by wolfgang czerny, who over the past 10 years, it seems, has outplayed all the nazi bastards that have just appeared on our screen. At the same time, shortly before the events taking place, he, a specialist in paranormal phenomena, was able to hypnosis force an entire special group of the nkvd in belligerent madrid to commit group suicide, only those resistant to charms. With all kinds of external influence, ivan, also a security officer, by the way, petrovs brotherinlaw, fight in every possible way with the harmful foreigner, the germans manage to be the first to get to the witch girl, they teleport her across the border and settle her in a gothic castle along with a group of future young paranormal fighters of avver, all this is very similar to hogwarts, where , in fact, the little nazi imps have the best place. The daily routine in this very hogwarts is monitored by the nazi valkyrie katarina played by linda lapinge, and this is the lapensh of a healthy person, unlike the gdr series, where she played some kind of rare nonsense,

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