Here we are we dont need classics, we dont need folklore, we need some kind of amazing music, the love of a russian soldier and a japanese girl, and for it to be like this, such a dawn, sakura, and then a transitional melody to katyusha, it was incredibly difficult, and the most difficulties began when we started come to the skating rink, it turns out, well , the skaters have only seconds between jumps and jumps, they need to rest, but the merchandiser says, so now he says well do it chickchick. This chickchick was already twitching my eye, because it was on timing and it could have been in the middle of the melody there is a development for me, she says and now well chime, this is a year of this work of the skating rinks, it was incredibly interesting, we can just watch a fragment. Japanese motifs are clearly audible, of course , recognizable, and this is a little russian, that is , there is a splash of, you know, katyusha and japanese, there was Something Like that, oh, its dangerous, you have to really trust your partner, i know that you wanted to perform something for us now, what is it . There will be a song, its a great joy for me to sing a song now, it s called come back, i know that they sing it all over the country, i know that they sing in the zone of a special military operation, many concert brigades go with it, and i wrote it, quite by accident, i saw a persons post on the internet, during mobilization i wrote friends, im leaving for the army, deadline good luck to everyone, i read this for the night, at night i woke up and this song was born, probably ours. A prayer for everyone to return alive and healthy, i ll probably sing on the microphone now, ill try, yes, lets make it better i can hear him say, im leaving tomorrow, so simply and quietly, breaking off in silence, it suddenly became somehow tight in his chest when in the yard. Ru his steps died down, he left his friends goodbye, without a line on the internet, come back, we will pray for you, come back, the light is burning in your windows, come back, our hearts are white. Bird fly away, follow you into the light, come back, we will pray for you, come back, night or day, come back, there are faces in your hearts, come back. We are waiting, but please, lord, you see everything, save, save, or stop, this world is mad, angry sparkles, but our sons fearlessly leave for their homeland. Come back, we will pray for you, come back, yours is on fire. Theres light in the windows, come back, the hearts of our white bird are flying away, theres a trail behind you, come back, we believe and are waiting, great song, ive already heard it, for sure, the beginning is incredibly touching, huge in. Thank you, good luck to you, all the best, thank you very much, and of course, i would like to wish the guys a speedy return home and definitely a speedy victory, thank you very much for coming, our spectators as i always remind you that all the news that you have doubts can be sent to our editorial office, well, reasons for pride , be sure to send all the best to you too. I am proud that i live in russia, i will Never Exchange my homeland, my russia. Love for the homeland manifests itself as, well, kindness, cleanliness, courtship, and i think that care. We are bright, kind, sunny. For me, a russian person differs from others in that with the breadth of his soul you can take off your last shirt. Russia is my homeland, russia is for me its like a second mother. I love you my family, we love our country and we are happy, wow, channel one presents. This is how a professional doctor shows an exercise for lower back pain. Very important consequences. Lets listen again to any of the videos with any written text. We listen again and read again. That is, the image always blocks the hearing. Where can we use this . Well, for example, we can, in cases where we look. Absolutely true, the first thing is that it is used in teaching, thats what people do most stupidly, who record lectures on a dictaphone, that is, they do nothing, they simply record lectures on a dictaphone, because this is the worst way of memorizing, there is no worse, only hearing is the worst way, those who record lectures do the best, because you isolate the key words and these keywords are placed on paper, then you just. Write an sms message to your person with whom you agreed, send it, you have visual memories, he will have a visual memory of what needs to be written, for example, you agreed about the meeting, sorry each others hand, but you could hear one thing, he could hear another, it is impossible to predict, you will then say, i spoke, they will tell you, and i said, everyone really said it, only everyone. I heard mine, if you wrote, so, we meet on the 15th, for example, there in march at 12 noon at the pushkin monument, then you saw that he or she. You sent each other, there can be no discrepancies. I want to show you another picture, this is a very famous thing, we also showed it in the program once during the pandemic coronavirus, this is a fragment from a film, and there are two words written at the bottom, and Pay Attention to what word you read, this is the word you hear as if a person were saying it, lets watch this video, its very famous, come on cornelius. Now read another word, now there will be a repeat, come on cornelius, well pay, noticed, you read cornelius, you have cornelius, you read coronavirus, you have coronavirus, it worked, it really worked, yes, for the first time, the first word right away. You hear the second time the second time you hear very clearly what you are reading, right . Ger mishaevich, where else is this important , this is important when you sign an agreement, they can tell you absolutely everything, but you need to read, then you will receive explicit information, an example from my personal life. We have 16 apartments in our building and 14 underground parking lots, and people signed contracts, some of whom didnt read them. Its clear, that is, someone got an apartment with parking, almost all of them had parking, but two did not, someone knew that don signed an agreement with parking without reading that everyone had it, but there were 14 parking lots, there are 16 apartments, and specifically two people will not have parking, and there was an opening for them. That they dont have parking lots, because they said, a house is for sale right with parking lots, let s choose an apartment, here are our parking lots, you see, we have parking lots, parking lots everywhere , no one walks there, but where is my place according to the contract, let me have it ill see, oh, good, a house with parking lots, in israel its very bad with housing , theres not much construction there, theres a huge problem with housing, thats how people got apartments without parking, what are we talking about, hearing, you dont need to perceive anything, you need. Everything see with your own eyes, in this sense, the profession of mikhail yegorovich, it is the profession of a person who is responsible for 90 of our perception of life, clearly, friends, so dont believe the rumor , doublecheck, write everything down and agree only after reading everything, lets pause for a while, and then continue, eternal prices. Peas are a product that never spoils, which is why we love peas, because 100 g of peas contains the full daily requirement of undigested dietary fiber. Several reasons to stock up for the future. Intimate hygiene. The vagina has its own immune system system. How to maintain healthy microflora . Yoghurts with probiotics fermented. Cabbage, if you use them regularly, then the vaginal flora becomes healthy, it was, but its gone , they come with pain, they leave without, slowly , like this, with our hands we begin to go down , we stand on our elbows, and, as it were, we lie down like this on our elbows, the service of pain, professionals work here, broadcast tomorrow on the first, they were going to make her a pawn in someone elses game, but the russian princess believed that when she returned home to her homeland, she would be able to stand up for herself, no matter what it was worth it. Anna ioavnovna, her father, peter ii died without leaving a will, elizabeths position at court was very precarious, she could either take power into her own hands, or. Wait for execution. Elizaveta petrovna. During the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. She radically changed the country and, like peter i , received the epithet great. Catherine ii. The formation of the russian state. In the historical cycle empire. March 8 and 9 on the first. Declaration of love. Festive concert in the kremlin. Premiere, march 8. On first. This program is to live healthy, friends , what do you think we are doing, we are preparing pea porridge, only as a child i ate delicious porridge in kindergarten, pea porridge, it was green, it was soft, we were given it with a piece of stew from a can, i generally i have never eaten anything tastier in my life, i still remember the city of kemerovo, the record street, our kindergarten. I went there hand in hand with my twin brother, today we have a topic products that last forever, that is, if you bought them, they will be preserved for your entire life. Life, you can pass it on by inheritance, our product today is peas, bring us peas to the studio, so, peas, product, eternal storage, who will start . The oldest pea was found during excavations in switzerland; it is 20,000 years old. Well, you understand, in general, in short, charge for 20,000 years, the peas will not go to waste. In russia they have always eaten pea porridge, and like many people before, now no one eats it, many think that it is the food of fugitives, but it turns out that it was also served on the royal table. This is porridge, everyone loved it, but in principle, both kings and ordinary people, but in principle in fact, it was the case that in greece it was food for the poor, because growing peas does not require large investments, basically unsecured syllables, peas were eaten in greece, no, its just a sustainable crop, it grows anywhere, lets talk about it now the medical qualities of peas mean that they are food for eternity. For many things, when we eat food , cholesterol comes to us with it, cholesterol once, toxic products two, carcinogens three, we do not eat ideal food, we eat, what not to fart, that is, all this can be sucked from intestines into the blood, blood, this is the intestines, this is the blood, now toxins have been absorbed, oh miracle, we eat peas, which contain a lot. Do not allow it to be absorbed into the blood, and accordingly it is removed from the body during the act of defecation, it is clear that it removes the glory of the act of defecation along with. 100 g of peas contains the daily norm of coarse fiber, thats the beauty, here we have an eye, and we are waiting professor of ophthalmology, peas and eyes, Mikhail Egorovich, peas still contain a large amount of silicon, about three daily allowances norms, silicon. Silicons are involved in the structure of collagen of the third and fourth types, precisely the collagen that is responsible for the elasticity of the vascular wall, and we understand that the better our vessels suck, the more elastic they are, the better our nervous part of the eye called the retina functions , so we also love peas for creampies, right . Now lets go back to our kitchen and answer a few questions how to choose peas, how to store them and how to eat them correctly. The first question is how choose . So, the product of eternal storage is peas. Before you talk about your choice, dear doctors, you need to compare peas with other products. We compare peas, nud and lentils, by what indicator, by indicator, if we compare them by the amount of silicon, then peas will be in first place, nud will be in second place. On the third is lentils, on the third is lentils, on the third is lentils, like this, that is, in terms of flint, peas are ahead, in terms of fiber, lentils are also legumes , lentils are ahead of everyone, well, in general, the products are excellent, the right way to choose peas, Mikhail Egorovich . And the peas must be chosen according to their appearance, they must be so dry, freeflowing, strictly dry, otherwise there will be no eternal storage. This is for additional inclusions, it must be whole, without mold, in general everything is clear, dry, simple peas, how to properly store peas for centuries, so that they pass on to descendants, mikhail yegorich, how to store them, you can store them in a closed container in a dark, cool place place, this is approximately how you can store it. It should stand on some kind of shelf so that no thunderstorms can run around, but the peas are dry, you cant chew it too much, this is a form of storage, in such jars too. Thats right, but its at our house, its not forever storage, because here you can store it forever, its just funny, really, the last question is like peas eat it correctly, after all , we have pea porridge, how to cook it, you can make porridge, you can make pea soup, you can add different ingredients, brisket, vegetables. Our alexey kobba does not want to limit himself to pea porridge with stew, he cooks delicious dishes all the time, hello, pea the soup, of course, is the most interesting thing, but you have it with smoked meats . We admit that it is yes, it is traditionally with smoked meats , you can make it without them, the most important thing is that you make the soup based on some kind of broth, let it be chicken, let it be something dietary, by the way, you can make very interesting variations on fish, and here its also important to note, look, you can call it mneki or dumplings, this is a pate, you can come up with a cool pate from peas, we are all used to the variations that it looks a lot like hummus, its the same one, its right here next to it, i put it right there. Soup without smoked meat is funny , thats right, its funny, it should have that stewed, smoked taste, andrei petrovich, we enjoyed it, i think that this is my memory of my grandmother vera this is pea soup with black , rye bread, bread and smoked meats, this is just such a stewed porridge, generally tastier than black bread in that russian black bread, especially brodensky, my grandmother, which. Eternal storage, if anything, store it forever, everything about food, its time for us to talk about medicine, so. Dear friends, immunity is our selfdefense, we stand at this shield, andrei petrovich, and the sword is immunity. Immunity protects us from two things, from what . From bacteria, viruses, that is, from infection and, of course, from cancer, from oncology. This happens every second, right now on our screens you will see how our shield and punishing sword, our immunity, work. Lets look at the screen, here it is, a macrophate immune cell, look, now it will devour this stick, for example, a splinter in your hand, it will be eaten and digested by an immune cell by a macrophage , this immune cell is chasing a deployment, it could be a gonococ or you see, swallowed and digests, you see, this is just the digestion of this microbe, its all our immune cells every second in our body, today we will talk about a special immunity in a special place, we have just immunity, and there is immunity of the mucous membranes. And we have already talked about immunity in the oral cavity, now we will talk about immunity in the vagina, this is the third in volume, you can say, ae the immune organ of mucosal immunity, the first is the immunity of the gastrointestinal tract, the second is the respiratory system, and the third is just the urogenital, Andrey Petrovich says this in volume, in scale, the first place is occupied by intestinal immunity , there are. More than 50 of all immune cells in our body, why . Who can guess . Because the intestines are long, long . No, because thats where we throw everything from the outside, you know, everything is not sterile, everything is not like that, everything is not cut, we throw, we throw, we throw, so the immunity there is the greatest, the body knows what we throw, what we miss, we lick our hands, we stick it in the butt, we lick it again, we will live such a life. There are children, i understand that you are adults, children dig in the ground , lick their fingers and so on, but adults, many have not gone far, so intestinal immunity is number one, then the respiratory system, why, who can guess, well, because we we breathe every second we inhale a lot of microelements, absolutely right, right, because this is second place, thank god the vagina its not breathing, thank god we dont push it there often. Everything that was not hit, but also , as they say, happens temporarily, there is a feature that distinguishes it, because in some places up to 40 of the area is occupied not just by epithelial cells, but by immune cells, so the immunity of the vagina has a special, special role, now let s go, as they say, directly there into our vagina, here is the pink wall of the vagina and here our lactic acids are coming out. Bacteria, they are all white, they play the role of Lactic Acid Bacteria students of the First Moscow Medical University named after sechenny , faculty of medicine, future alone did not realize that up to 95 of the normal microflora are just these lactobacilli, they live there in the form of such a special biofilm, this biofilm is also a protection. We will see Lactic Acid Bacteria, second screen, look, here is our vagina, now the form of protection is vaginal mucus, which is secreted by vaginal cells, it is acidic, so any microbes that come here will die, you see, there is a blue microbe. Bad bacteria simply did not have room for all the space for foreign ones to develop, and if suddenly something happens to our Lactic Acid Bacteria, then conditions are created that foreign bad ones can live there, so in order to preserve immunity. What not to do, you cant kill Lactic Acid Bacteria, how do we kill our Lactic Acid Bacteria, women, douching, right, here are our Lactic Acid Bacteria, here s douching, what happens, what do we do then, we rinse them, right , wash, whether he died the death of the brave, unfortunately, it is really shown that when women take advantage. Products for intimate hygiene and not only deal with the hygiene of external intimate places, but wash the vagina, these women have. Discomfort in the vagina, that is , they seemed to want to do well, but in fact they make a more problematic situation, you are right, douching is prohibited, washing , washing the vagina is prohibited, only washing the external genitalia is allowed, clearly, only from the outside, no one goes inside, thats it. First, now second, what other problems maybe dryness, dryness, who has dryness, in older women, over 50 years old, the first manifestation of menopause is dryness in the vagina, why is it bad when everything is dry, but because in this case, look, here we have there are such bacteria, now i will show you what will happen, this mucous membrane is moist and intact, it is