On Thursday, in the morning, at Government House, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM received the Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement, the Honourable Mick de Brenni MP and Director-General, Department of Energy and Public Works, Mr Paul Martyn PSM, for a tour of the Government House estate.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency hosted a swearing-in ceremony for the Honourable Chief Justice Helen Bowskill, and Supreme Court of Queensland Justices, the Honourable Justice John Bond and the Honourable Justice David Boddice as Acting Governors of Queensland.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council.
In the afternoon, at Government House, Her Excellency hosted a luncheon for members of the Executive Council, the Chief Justice and Justices of the Supreme Court of Queensland who were sworn in as Acting Governors of Queensland.
Following, at Government House, students and staff from Fairholme College visited for a guided tour of the House and Gardens.
Following, at Government House, Her Excellency received the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Her Excellency Mrs Marion Derckx, Mr Sjef IJzermans, Honorary Consul of the Netherlands, Ms Marjon Wind and Deputy Consul-General of the Netherlands, Ms Alida Ritsema to Government House.
Following, Her Excellency and Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD hosted a reception in support of artisan, and Her Excellency addressed guests.