116 fresh COVID cases reported in Lakhimpur district Community contagion of COVID-19 continues to be alarming in Lakhimpur district. A CORRESPONDENT LAKHIMPUR: Community contagion of COVID-19 continues to be alarming in Lakhimpur district. A total of 116 fresh cases were detected in the district on Tuesday. Out of them, 103 cases were found to be positive for COVID-19 as per Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) while rest 13 cases were detected as per Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) Test. On this day, the District Health Department conducted 7,615 RATs in the nine COVID-19 test centres of the district, including the Block Primary Health Centers (BPHCs) and private nursing homes, and registered 111.01 per cent achievement in conducting the RAT in order to detect COVID-19 patients out of the targeted figure 6,860. The RAT cases were reported from North Lakhimpur Urban Hospital (3), Dhalpur BPHC (9), Bihpuriya BPHC (17), Naoboicha BPHC (26), Boginadi BPHC (12), Ghilamora BPHC (3) Dhakuakhana BPHC (14), Lakhimpur Medical College and Hospital Respiratory Clinic (16) and Private Nursing Homes (2).