10 Outrageous Feasts From History For most of human history the hunt for food was central to daily life. The struggle to get enough to eat was, and for some people still is, a very real one. It is only very recently that some people in wealthy societies find themselves chronically overfed. So one of the best ways for wealthy people to show off was to throw an extravagant feast with food in such abundance that just reading about them is enough to fill you up. Here are ten outrageous meals and the dishes served at them.
Roman orgies have become proverbial. While there were certainly often sexual antics presented to feasters it was the shear opulence of the food served up that most ancient historians found shocking. At the height of the Roman empire foods from thousands of miles away could be brought to the tables of the wealthy and swallowed down with rare vintages of wines. One emperor excelled all others in the meals he enjoyed – Vitellius used his position to raise feasting to new levels of decadence.