10 Creepy Ghost Hunt Venues While researching our book Haunted Asylums, Prisons, and Sanatoriums (available for purchase online—links in the bio blurb at the end), co-author Sam Queen and I had a wish list of the best ghost hunt locations in the United States. Due to budget and time constraints, not every location we wanted to visit could be included. Below, I list our top 10 picks for public ghost hunts that didn’t make the book. I would also encourage readers to explore the websites of each location to discover a variety of non-ghost hunting activities that might appeal to you. Very often, these locations are nonprofits operated by foundations for the purpose of conserving the historic buildings. An easy and worthwhile way for the public to lend their support is by taking a historic tour, photography tour, or attending a class offered at the facility. Now that I’ve said my piece, get your ghost gear strapped up and let’s go hunting!