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Japan Airlines is expanding its award-winning COVID safety regime by treating its aircraft cabins with a certified antiviral and antibacterial coating designed to significantly cut viral levels.
The program, which begins this month and is expected to be completed by July, is certified by SIAA, an organization set up by manufacturers of antibacterial and antifungal agents.
The SIAA mark is displayed on products whose quality is controlled and which meets the ISO22196 standard.
This requires that the proportion of bacteria on the surface of the product must be 1/100 or less of that on the surface of a non-treated product, and the antimicrobial effect must remain after durability tests
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By Alfred Chua2021-01-26T02:47:00+00:00
All Nippon Airways will retire large aircraft operating domestic flights “ahead of schedule” and cut their utilisation by half as it discloses that domestic operations will “make up the core” of its earnings in the coming financial year, which begins on 1 April.
Outlining interim flight schedules for the new year, the Star Alliance carrier says it will “temporarily utilise aircraft for international routes on domestic flights”, while its small to medium jets will supplement operations.
Source: Wikimedia Commons
An All Nippon Airways (ANA) Boeing 777-200 at Osaka Itami airport.
ANA adds: “Compared to [financial year 2020], the usage rate of large aircraft will be reduced by 50%, while the usage rate of small aircraft will increase by 30%.”