Together, the trio, along with their fellow Collab Crib creators, is looking to share their own unique spin on the TikTok revolution from within their own creative environment.
Kaychelle describes the house as very versatile. And as for the love triangles and drama of their West Coast counterparts, the Collab Crib hasn t suffered, thus far, from the same fate. I would say mostly like the way that Keith our manager, Keith Dorsey structured the house, he really took time to, like, put the science together of what personalities would blend, Kaelyn says. So I wouldn t say we have drama, per se. I would just say we have more, like, a family dynamic, you know, when your family, your brothers and sisters argue but it s still kind of just like the overall. Yeah, it s overall love, and we all have the same goal and the same mindset to a certain extent. So when things are arising or happening in the house, we kind of all attack it and handle it in-house.