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by Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times What Xi has made crystal clear, once again, is the acute contrast between relative Asian serenity and stability and the volcanic chaos engulfing the West’s top power centers.
The virtual Davos Agenda is finally on, from Monday to Friday this week, promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Xi Reads Multilateral Riot Act to Virtual Davos
By Pepe Escobar
No, this is not The Great Reset. At least not yet. The Agenda is the
aperitivo towards the Great Reset apotheosis at the WEF’s Special Annual Meeting, which will take place this coming spring in Singapore.
The Agenda’s theme for 2021 is “A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust.”
Oops. Davos, we got a problem: trust is always
earned, never built.
Trust, anyway, in Davos speak, must always lead towards – what else – the Great Reset, introduced here in a Tik Tok-ready clip crammed with catchy slogans such as “a new dashboard for the new economy” or “right people, right place, right time”.
is finally on, from Monday to Friday this week, promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). No, this is not The Great Reset. At least not yet. The Agenda is the aperitivo towards the Great Reset apotheosis at the WEF’s Special Annual Meeting, which will take place this coming spring in Singapore. The Agenda’s theme for 2021 is A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust. Oops. Davos, we got a problem: trust is always earned, never built. Trust, anyway, in Davos speak, must always lead towards – what else – the Great Reset, introduced here in a clip crammed with catchy slogans such as “a
The people who are designing and placing these dark, twisted propaganda ads need to be held to account…
The people who are designing and placing these dark, twisted propaganda ads need to be held to account…
The geniuses at New Scientist have painted themselves in a #COVID corner the last 12 months, here s their latest halfway official gymnastics move to save their credibility…
Substantial analysis of @BenMarten regarding the mortality in Germany. Particularly noticeable is the excess mortality in December. Ben states that lockdown deaths could play an important role here. I would like to elaborate my thoughts on that. ⬇️Mini-Thread⬇️
YEAR IN REVIEW: 2020 Top Ten (Real) Conspiracies
It’s New Year’s Eve again, which means we’ll do that important dance once more, our time-honoured tradition of looking back at the most important, most unusual, and dare we say
conspiratorial events of the previous year.
It’s been said that 2020 wasn’t so much a year to be experienced, so much as it was a year to be
conspiracies are real.”
This year we can take that a step further: if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’
were right
all along.