At least 71 people have died in the past three days and 13 are still missing in Himachal Pradesh after devastating rains pounded the state, with Chief Minister terming the work of rebuilding infrastructure a "mountain-like challenge".
is finally on, from Monday to Friday this week, promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). No, this is not The Great Reset. At least not yet. The Agenda is the aperitivo towards the Great Reset apotheosis at the WEF’s Special Annual Meeting, which will take place this coming spring in Singapore. The Agenda’s theme for 2021 is A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust. Oops. Davos, we got a problem: trust is always earned, never built. Trust, anyway, in Davos speak, must always lead towards – what else – the Great Reset, introduced here in a clip crammed with catchy slogans such as “a