Take a minute to look around your home. Without even knowing, you probably own either a Braun product or a product inspired by it. Your electric toothbrush, most likely, and your electric shaver, too. Maybe you re a cooking fan? Then your blender probably owes something to the German manufacturers. None of these? Check the calculator app on your phone it s inspired by the 1977 Braun ET 33 calculator (more on that later). You get the gist.
Braun is rapidly approaching its 100th anniversary. Founded in 1921 by engineer Max Braun in his home town of Frankfurt, Max set out to utilize his engineering skills to manufacture electrical components and parts for radios. It wasn t long before his confidence grew and the company moved into crafting complete products. Innovating from the jump, Braun quickly released one of the first radio/record player combos. In 1950 came the shift when they released their first electric shaver: the Braun S 50.