The frozen water was littered with empty cans, bottles and fireworks. Hilary Rhodes, of Burley-in-Wharfedale, contacted the Gazette to say: “As we arrived for a walk on New Year’s Day day a group of people were walking down with huge bags they had collected full of empty cans and bottles. “It was disgusting to see even more covering the surface. What a sorry state of affairs.” Sadly, another walker reporting coming across a dead rabbit on the path up to the tarn, which had a wound to its head which looked like it may have been killed by a firework whose casing was nearby.
The frozen water was littered with empty cans, bottles and fireworks. Hilary Rhodes, of Burley-in-Wharfedale, contacted the Gazette to say: “As we arrived for a walk on New Year’s Day day a group of people were walking down with huge bags they had collected full of empty cans and bottles. “It was disgusting to see even more covering the surface. What a sorry state of affairs.” Sadly, another walker reporting coming across a dead rabbit on the path up to the tarn, which had a wound to its head which looked like it may have been killed by a firework whose casing was nearby.