Curt Arens
SAVING CALVES: The Sandhills Calving System calls for moving pregnant cows every week forward to fresh calving pastures and leaving cows with newborn calves behind in previous pasture paddocks. This system reduces calf scours significantly by all but eliminating exposure of newborns to pathogens that cause scours. The Sandhills Calving System can save thousands of dollars for beef producers.
Recurring calf scours can be a real killer for cow-calf beef operations. It ranks among the top causes of mortality for young calves across the nation. Cattlemen know that scours can range from mild conditions with loose stool, all the way to severe dehydration and death.
Each session will feature experts and opportunities to interact and get questions answered.
Feb 01, 2021
In February, the University of Nebraska BeefWatch webinar series will tackle issues related to cow-calf and stocker production efficiency and profitability. Each session will feature industry experts and plenty of opportunities to interact and get questions answered. Each of the webinars in February will begin at 8 p.m. CST on Tuesdays.
The first session on Feb. 2 will cover highlights from University of Nebraska-Lincoln stocker systems research, offered by Jim MacDonald, UNL professor of ruminant nutrition. It will cover when, what and how much you should supplement stockers. McDonald will discuss some of the UNL research related to management systems and supplementation of stockers and yearlings.
Curt Arens
CALVING TIME: Nebraska Extension BeefWatch webinars each Tuesday in January cover a large range of calving topics and discussions. The sessions cover everything from calving records to cow nutrition and handling complications.
Jan 11, 2021
The Nebraska Extension BeefWatch webinar series is designed to highlight management strategies in grazing, nutrition, reproduction and economics to increase cow-calf and stocker production efficiency and profitability. The focus for January s webinar series is “Preparing and managing for the calving
Each Tuesday evening session features industry experts and plenty of opportunity to interact and have questions answered. The Jan. 5 session, which already took place, covered prevention of calf scours, featuring information from Halden Clark, DVM, Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center.
BY RRN Staff / Extension | December 10, 2020
The BeefWatch Webinar series, coordinated by Nebraska Extension, will return in January to cover topics related to calving season.
The series is designed to highlight management strategies in grazing, nutrition, reproduction, and economics to increase cow/calf and stocker production efficiency and profitability.
Each session will feature industry experts and opportunities to interact and ask questions.
Each webinar will begin at 8:00 PM Central Time. Dates are
January 5, 12, 19 and 26.
The focus for this month’s webinar series is “
Preparing and Managing for the Calving Season” with the following speakers and topics:
January 5, Preventing Calf Scours
Is there a way to reduce the likelihood of calf scours without adding additional vaccines or other cash expenses to your current program? Could it be as simpl