Rapid access to Port of Hamburg rail service schedules
Rail operators offer almost 2,000 weekly container block-train services to/from the Port of Hamburg. The hafen-hamburg.de website contains a current overview. Port of Hamburg Marketing as the publisher has updated its online database and has released this live on https://www.hafen-hamburg.de/de/intermodal This enables companies seeking suitable service providers for their import and export container rail shipments to rapidly locate all the services. With this homepage for shippers in Germany and internationally, the country’s largest universal port underlines its lead as Europe’s top rail port. Last year, half of all containerized shipments to/from the leading North Range ports on hinterland rail services were handled via Hamburg. “Last year alone, our database received around 60,000 hits. That demonstrates excellent acceptance of our offering,” says Ingo Egloff, Joint CEO of Port of Hamburg Marketing.