Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
Published: 4/15/2021 3:30:37 PM
Library patrons know how books bring their subjects to life. At the Hancock Library, visitors can see an example of that literary magic – as portrayed by marshmallow Peeps.
This was the fifth year of the annual competition, library director Amy Markus said. The library received 19 entries, all of which depicted a scene from a favorite book starring Peeps, the ubiquitous Eastertime marshmallow chicks and bunnies. “Peeples choice” voting wrapped up on April 9, Markus said.
Anthony and Elena Spinale won in the children’s category for “Jurassic Peep,” a riff on Jurassic Park featuring a homemade dinosaur, and the Novotny family’s “The Sugaring-Off Party,” depicting a cozy maple syrup celebration, won the family division. “Julius Peepsar,” featuring the emperor’s infamous demise on the Ides of March, brought Amy Stodola a win in the adult division.
Digital magazines previously available in the RBdigital app have been moved to Libby and OverDrive for PLDL and Hancock Library patrons. The migration is a resu
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
Published: 1/15/2021 11:24:23 AM
Swift Corwin always wanted to be surrounded by woods and hills. He longed for it growing up in Northwest Ohio.
There the only things around him were cornfields and more wide open space that was flat and stretched as far as the eye could see.
It was a trip to Hancock, when still in high school, to visit his cousin Marg Link that Corwin saw the Monadnock region for the first time. It had forests, hills and mountains everywhere you looked – just what he envisioned his forever home would look like.
“I really liked the area,” Corwin said. “Because of the visit with my cousin, I thought this would be a really good place to live and work.”
Portage Lake District Library
The Portage Lake District Library is again moving into Phase 3 of their reopening plan, which includes limited access to the building by patrons. The service is available beginning Monday, Dec. 21, and will include a return to regular open hours.
On Nov. 16, in response to the MDHHS Epidemic Order, PLDL returned to Phase 2 of their reopening plan, which closed the building to the public and instead offered curbside services. The decision to reopen the Library follows an updated MDHHS Epidemic Order that allows for some indoor activities to resume, as long as masks are worn.
Phase 3 of the library’s reopening plan allows patrons back in the building for grab-and-go services, limits patron’s visits by 30 minutes, and reduces the occupancy capacity of the building. Patrons can browse library shelves, checkout materials, use public computers, and take advantage of print and copy services.