Man rushed to hospital as police crews scrambled to city centre
Police and paramedics were called to Alfred Gelder Street at around 12.30pm
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A man has been taken to hospital as police and paramedics were scrambled to Alfred Gelder Street.
“There were five police cars, two ambulance vehicles and some unmarked vehicle came. The man from that vehicle putting on white overalls.
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Humberside Police have confirmed they were called to reports of concern for a man’s safety.
A spokesperson said: “Shortly before noon today we were called to reports of the concern for safety of a man inside a building on Alfred Gelder Street in Hull.
Live as police and paramedics descend on Alfred Gelder Street near Hull Crown Court and Guildhall
An incident is taking place near Hull Crown Court
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There has been a major emergency services response to an incident in Hull city centre.
Two police vans, a third police vehicle, two ambulances and an emergency doctor have been seen in Alfred Gelder Street at around 12.30pm on Tuesday afternoon (May 4).
One witness said they saw around five police cars at the scene with officers going into a building across from Hull Crown Court. The scene is also near the Guildhall