The highly-anticipated movie adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights is available to stream on HBO Max, along with several new movies like Netflix’s Skater Girl, Holler starring Jessica Barden, the neo-noir thriller Akilla’s Escape, the sci-fi action movie Occupation: Rainfall, and more available to stream this weekend.
Abilene High s State Title Movie Release Date and Trailer
ABILENE,TX- A movie about the 2009 Abilene High state title team has released a trailer and a released date.
Under the Stadium Lights will release in select theaters and be available to stream on iTunes and Amazon Prime June 4th.
The film was originally titled “Brother’s Keeper” based on a book of the same name. The book as written by Chad Mitchell, the team chaplain and Al Pickett, founder of the Big Country Hall of Fame and media personality.
The movie boasted a talented cast from Milo Gibson, who is Mel Gibson’s son. Glenn Morshower, who appeared in the TV series “Friday Night Lights”, and former pro running back and Heisman trophy winner Eddie George.