A short time later, police found Mason. The summary said she immediately became argumentative and aggressive. Despite several warnings she grabbed onto a police officer’s wrist and tried to push him away, the summary said. Mason was arrested and placed into the back of a patrol vehicle. The officer was standing next to Mason speaking to her through an open door and Mason kicked him several times in the thigh.
Ricky Wilson/Stuff She also spat at him, hitting him on the arm. While being driven to the police station the defendant repeated multiple times over a 25-minute period she was going to kill the officer, his wife and children.
The summary said she immediately became argumentative and aggressive. Despite several warnings she grabbed onto a police officer’s wrist and tried to push him away, the summary said. Mason was arrested and placed into the back of a patrol vehicle. The officer was standing next to Mason speaking to her through an open door and Mason kicked him several times in the thigh. She also spat at him on the arm. While being driven to the police station the defendant repeated multiple times over a 25-minute period she was going to kill the officer, his wife and children. The summary said she was explicit in her threats and spoke with detail stating how she would kill them.