Rangavalli theatre troupe will be staging the play ‘Parshwa Sangeetha’ at Kiru Rangamandira (Mini Theatre) in Kalamandira premises on Feb. 24 and 25 at 7 pm.
‘Parshwa Sangeetha,’ an adaptation of the essays written by Srinivasa Vaidya, is directed by Prashanth Hiremath, a senior artiste of Rangayana, Mysuru.
About the play: The play shares the bonding of the timeless melodies of 1940 to 1970 with the audience. In a family that is very orthodox, Shama is an exception whose heart and soul is the songs for which he is treated as a rebel in the family. Parshwa Sangeetha is a narration of the times of Shama, by the old aged narrator who happens to be Shama’s nephew.