During July 1-23, FPIs took out Rs 5,689.23 crore from equities, as per depositories data. During this period, they invested Rs 3,190.76 crore in the debt segment. So, net withdrawal during the period under review stood at Rs 2,498.47 crore. Rising valuations, surge in oil prices and firmness in US dollar would have made foreign investors wary of the near-term risks, which would have prompted them to stay on the sidelines, Himanshu Srivastava, associate director - manager research, Morningstar India, said. Harsh Jain, co-founder and COO at Groww, said that in addition, with Sensex and Nifty hovering around the all-time high mark, foreign investors are being cautious in investing money.
FPIs offload Rs 5,689 cr from Indian equities in July so far over valuation fears
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FPI cautious in pockets, offload Indian equities worth Rs 5,689 in July so far
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