The State of Live Streaming in 2021
Video dominates the internet, so much so that Cisco has predicted that 82% of all IP traffic will be video by 2022. COVID-19 has goosed that growth. Streaming video, especially to mobile, is globally essential for work, entertainment, and health. At the peak of the lockdown, mobile networks held up remarkably well to the strain of additional data traffic, as work-from-home data usage spiked dramatically. For instance, AT&T reported a 22% increase in its core network traffic and a 30% increase in wireless voice minutes. The new combined T-Mobile/Sprint saw mobile hotspot usage spike 60%, while tethering was up 57% for T-Mobile and 70% for Sprint.
2 weeks ago
Hot off the press the PCR April issue brings you our special focus on data and web services.
Life seems to be full of data at the moment and not just the reoccurring broadcast of national Coronavirus statics. But the data picture is far bigger than we may realise, and its value is exponential. Just think of all the data we give willingly, such as on social media and other web platforms but also all the data we store on our devices and send to various destinations online and this is what the cyber criminals are after. Identity and data theft is a major problem that is getting worse all the time exacerbated by the pandemic and the sudden shift towards remote working.
Press release content from Business Wire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
Streaming Video Alliance Hosts East Coast STREAMup and Announces New Technical Specification From the Live Streaming Working Group
March 16, 2021 GMT
FREMONT, Calif. (BUSINESS WIRE) Mar 16, 2021
The Streaming Video Alliance (the Alliance), a global technical association developing solutions to address critical technical challenges in delivering a high-quality video experience at scale, is hosting the East Coast STREAMup today, Tuesday, March 16, 2021, from 4:30 to 6:00pm ET. The virtual meetup is available to both members and non-members. The event is specifically scheduled to accommodate the streaming community on the East Coast, however it is open to all who would like to participate. The Alliance also announced a new technical specification produced by the Live Streaming Working Group.
| 18 February 2021
As demand for applications such as video increases, and maintaining quality of these services becomes more challenging for providers, usage of network edge technologies are set for rapid increase in the short term according to research from IDC and Limelight Networks.
The report, 2021 Outlook for Edge Services, predicts that by next year, 60% of all network resources will be deployed at remote edge or service provider locations, allowing business leaders to use the agility of their network resources, up from 20% in 2020. It reinforces the trend for content processing to move increasingly to the edge, which can offer high-quality video experiences with minimal buffering and cost reductions.
A new study from IDC and Limelight Networks predicts that by next year 60 percent of all network resources will be deployed at remote edge or service provider locations, up from just 20 percent in 2020.