Index-Journal Executive Editor Richard S. Whiting will serve as daily newspaper vice president of the South Carolina Press Association after a vote of the press associationâs membership.
Don Kausler Jr., regional editor of the Morning News in Florence and the prior daily newspaper vice president, was elected president and succeeds Suzanne Detar, publisher of The Daniel Island News. The election was Wednesday during a virtual Annual Business Meeting.
Other officers elected were: Charles Swenson, editor of the Coastal Observer in Pawleys Island, as weekly newspaper vice president; and Nathaniel Abraham Jr., publisher of Carolina Panorama in Columbia as treasurer.
Editor s Note:
When The Greenville News and Anderson Independent Mail initially published these candidate submissions, we did not apply the same standards to all three candidates.
Candidates were told to submit answers of 200 words or less, and we did not take the time to edit down some answers that came in long.
We recognize that this did not allow all candidates and equal forum to state their views, and gave them the opportunity to expand beyond the initial 200-word limit.
We strive to be fair in our newsgathering, and wanted to be sure all candidates had an equal voice in advance of this special election. Therefore, we are republishing this story with the expanded answers.