The scene unfolded around 6PM Tuesday when EHT Police received a report of an assault in the electronics department at Walmart on the Black Horse Pike and Fire Road. Several officers responded and located the victim, 29-year-old Stephen Tuohy, who had facial injuries and a stab wound to his arm just below his shoulder, according to a press release.
Police say several suspects were harassing another shopper in the store when Tuohy attempted to intervene. That s when the suspects turned on Tuohy, assaulted him, and fled the store.
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The suspects, three adults and one juvenile were located by police and identified as 18-year-old Ankur Bhowmik of Atlantic City, 18-year-old Robert Lyall of Atlantic City, and 18-year-old Luis Murillo-Suarez from Edison. All were arrested and charged with aggravated assault. Luis Murillo-Suarez was additionally charged with several weapon offenses and lodged in the Atlantic County Justice Facility. The other two adults and a juvenil
A pensioner who had a life-saving mini defibrillator which can shock his heart into a normal beating rhythm - in what is believed to be the first procedure of its kind in a public hospital in Munster - has urged people not to avoid hospital appointments or planned surgeries over fears about COVID-19.
Joseph O’Neill, 74, from Moyasta, County Clare, received a subcutaneous ICD, cardioverter-defibrillator, at the Cath lab, University Hospital Limerick, last October.
Mr O’Neill suffered a mild heart attack in 2010 and it was recommended by doctors that he receive a different type of ICD device “the kind where the wires travel along the veins and up to the heart” which is traditionally used in heart attack patients.
New cardiology procedure performed at University Hospital Limerick for the first time
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THE Cardiology Department at University Hospital Limerick continues to improve patient services following the successful implantation of a subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).
In what is believed to be the first procedure of its type carried out in a public hospital in Munster, 74-year-old patient Joseph O’Neill from Moyasta, County Clare, was treated in October by Dr Stephen Tuohy and team in the cath lab in UHL.
Himself a native of County Clare, Dr Tuohy has recently taken up a post as consultant cardiologist at UL Hospitals Group.