Registration packets are available for students entering kindergarten for the new school year.
Parents are welcome to pick-up the packets at the Stambaugh Elementary office any weekday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. A child must be five years old by Sept.1, 2021, to attend all day kindergarten.
When submitting the completed enrollment packet, please bring: The student’s birth certificate; Current immunization record or waiver;
–Proof of residency. Examples include two of the following with correct address- driver’s license, lease agreement, utility bill, tax paperwork, mortgage receipt; Hearing and vision screenings are also required for kindergarten entry.
The Dickinson-Iron Health Department will schedule appointments for those tests. Call the DIHD at 906-265-9913. If you do not have a current immunization record, please make an appointment for that as well.