The Towns Mirror Special: Press play to feel okay
The Towns Mirror Special: Press play to feel okay
Bangalore Mirror Bureau / Updated: Jun 17, 2021, 06:00 IST
Gen-Z is trying to navigate their way in life through Work From Home, online classes,
Zoom calls with friends and
endless months of binging on TV shows. One among them has come forward to light a match in the darkness and spark some hope through her
Samuel, a 23-year-old resident from
Hennur. Her biggest secret she says has been her desire to become a musician. “I have dreamed of becoming a singer since I was a child. I could sing before I could talk but I could never tell anyone about my desire. When I was in school, stability and white-collar jobs were the way to go. I couldn’t tell people that I wanted to be an ‘artist type’,” says Samuel.