One in five people have had to oust a board game for good due to scuffles
Hasbro s Monopoly takes the biggest share of bans at 44 percent
UNO and Sorry! are the next two most expelled
Board game executive says collaborative games, with players working in teams, may help ease negative emotions
Eleven percent of people have seen a physical fight break out during a match
Chances are, if you play board games, you’ve experienced this at least once in your lifetime: According to a new study, one in five people have banned a board game for causing too many problems on Game Night.
Asmodee and Z-Man Games Reveal Pandemic: Hot Zone - Europe
Asmodee and Z-Man Games have announced a new entry in their
Pandemic: Hot Zone spinoff series, and we ve got all the details right here. The newest entry in the franchise is titled
Pandemic: Hot Zone - Europe, and the new game will land on store shelves on July 9th for $19.99. While it doesn t hit stores until July 9th, you can actually play the game much sooner, as Z-Man and Asmodee have made the game available on their website as a free PDF download, so you can actually give it a try right now. You can also check out the new board and characters you ll find in the box in the images below.