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The Capitol is filled with the National Guard on Wednesday. | Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images
THE SECOND IMPEACHMENT OF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP cleared two procedural hurdles this morning. The votes were 221-205 and 221-203.
THE FINAL VOTE is expected sometime this afternoon. Speaker
PENDLETON â A Pendleton family is receiving a very special Christmas from an unlikely source from beyond the grave â zombies.
Jesselee Leachman, the creator of Zom-B13, said he wanted to do something beyond entertaining crowds at parades and events with his zombie mobile and associated friends and acquaintances who play zombies and zombie killers.
With the popularity of his brainchild and a strong local fan base, Leachman said he invited people to enter a drawing to receive Christmas presents, from all people, Zombie Claus.
Leachman posted a notice earlier this month on his Zom-B13 Facebook page soliciting nominations for families from Pendleton who may benefit from a box of Christmas gifts. A week later, the nominations were entered into an online app and the winner, Trishia Tally, a mother of four, was contacted that she had won.