"TATKALA mereka melupakan peringatan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami pun membukakan semua pintu-pintu kesenangan untuk mereka; sehingga apabila mereka bergembira dengan apa yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami siksa mereka dengan sekonyong-konyong, maka ketika itu mereka terdiam berputus asa." (QS. Al-Anam: 44).
The Dangers of Evil and Misguided Clerics/Scholars In Islam, By Murtadha Gusau
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Brothers and sisters! Who are evil and misguided scholars? Here is a rule by Imam Ash-Shatibi who said:
“Evil and misguided scholars are those who are dangerous to mankind. They are a disease to mankind, and they are those who do not act on their knowledge.”
In his book
Al-Fawa’id, Ibnul Qayyim gave a parable. He said:
“Evil and misguided scholars are like people sitting on the gates of Paradise (Jannah) and calling people to come on in. With their tongues they are saying come on in, come on in, but their actions are saying do not come in. The more they talk to people and tell people to come in, the more their actions say do not listen to us, because if we were indeed truthful then we would have been the first to apply it…”