Celebrating a legacy and a new canine companion
Local family presents diabetic alert dog to young girl
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June 03, 2021MEREDITH A young girl with diabetes now has a medical support dog thanks to the efforts of a local family in memory of their loved one whose life was improved by her own canine companion.
The family of Mandy Grier has been working to raise money to get a child a diabetic alert dog and was able to achieve that goal much earlier than expected thanks to the generosity of many people. On Saturday Mandy s family celebrated this milestone with an event at the Meredith town docks that formally presented a golden retriever puppy named Luna to Norah Boissonnault of Strafford.
Historically Speaking: Pine Hill offers view of Dover past and present
By Tony McManus
Here is more about Dover s hills. Moving south from Tuttle Square and the top of Plato s Hill is Pine Hill. We associate this now with the cemetery, but there is actually a height of land on the northerly side with a fine view over the city leading the eye to Garrison Hill at the far end.
As mentioned recently, this was the site of the third Meetinghouse in 1710, and in 1731 one and a half acres adjacent were set aside by the town as a burial ground. This was also the location of an early schoolhouse. Over the years additional land has been purchased and added to the cemetery, reaching out beyond Watson Street and along Court Street to the foot of what has been known as Mt. Pleasant, the highest point at the end of Henry Law Avenue. Now a residential development, there are fine views to the north and east from the top. (For many years there was a city playground, Mt. Pleasant Park, at the
Fosters Daily Democrat
DOVER To complete work for a drainage project on Broadway, the city announced, contractor George Cairns and Sons Inc. will again temporarily close a small section of the road to all through traffic at New York Street from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12, through Friday, Jan. 15.
Traffic has been restricted to a single lane in the work area, alternated by a temporary traffic signal. However, this week the area will be closed completely to allow the contractor to complete utility work. Red’s Shoe Barn, Details Salon and Spa, and White Water Car Wash will remain accessible at all times during the traffic closure.
Somersworth, Dover, churches film Christmas Special for nursing homes
Jenne Holmes
What happens when several priests, community members, civic leaders and long-term care facility staff get together? Some might argue a Christmas miracle, while other would simply call it a Christmas special with a very special purpose.
The truth is the result of the conversations that took place was a way to help connect those who are either in Somersworth and Dover long-term care facilities, rest homes or those home bound residents with the community that resides just out of reach, according to Father Andrew Nelson.
Nelson who is the pastor of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish in Somersworth and St. Mary’s Parish in Rollinsford is all too familiar with the isolation that many of those unable to receive visitors feel at the holidays during the coronavirus pandemic. He, like many area priests, is often called to the facilities to see people, and he felt compelled to find a way to bring some of the