It’s not uncommon for people to hold onto pairs for several years – or even decades. But experts have warned we really should rethink how long we hold on to our undergarments.
How often should I change my underwear? “Your underwear is in close contact with your skin and more specifically your intimate areas for prolonged periods of time,” says cosmetic doctor and intimate health specialist Dr Shirin Lakhani of Elite Aesthetics. “As a result, it takes in a lot of dead skin from those areas as well as bacteria – both the healthy, naturally-occurring bacteria that we all have, as well as more harmful bacteria that can be a result of infections such as thrush and STIs.”
Admit it, we all have underwear in our drawer that is a bit worse for wear, but we don’t throw out and continue to wear. Well, according to experts you really should.
May 5, 2021
In an interview with The Independent, Dr. Shirin Lakhani of Elite Aesthetics insists underwear should be replaced at least once a year, if not more. Lakhani says that because underwear is near your intimate areas for prolonged periods of time it takes in “dead skin” and “bacteria,” both healthy and unhealthy, and the unhealthy can lead to infections. Plus, the doctor says research shows that washing your underwear may not be enough to get rid of such bacteria.
Narendra Pisal, consultant gynecologist at London Gynecology, agrees, although notes that it really does depend on how many underwear you own. Pisal suggests a maximum of 50 washes for some cotton underwear, although adds obviously, if your underwear is causing chaffing, skin irritation or is torn, you may need to do it sooner.