Photo by Pei Robins.
Shuttered since the end of Winter Term 2020, the doors to the Viking Room Lawrence’s bar and social meeting place were thrown open to student patronage on May 12. Fourteen months have passed since the last droughts were poured in that space.
While the Viking Room has been the home to pints and conversations on-campus many a night since 1969, the world has changed in the past year, and so the Viking Room has changed with it. According to the VR’s staff supervisor Greg Griffin, social distancing, masking indoors, limited capacity and outdoor-only seating are the rules for the Spring Term 2021 in order to keep the doors open and students healthy.
5 hours ago
If you’ve spent much time on campus, especially in the wee hours of the morning on a Saturday, you probably know Security Night Shift Supervisor Kevin Goggins more often known simply as Kevin. Goggins joined the Lawrence University Campus Safety team in August of 2012 a fact that many who work with Kevin couldn’t seem to pinpoint. Many people, instead, said he’s been here forever; after all, he trained almost everyone on the team, according to Senior Lead Campus Safety Officer Brianna Bernard. This forever is coming to a close, though, as Kevin plans to retire at the end of this academic year after nearly nine years at Lawrence.