Midwest generosity steps up for Inclusion Lloydminster
SHARE ON: Inclusion Breakfast 2021 held virtually. [Photo: Inclusion Lloydminster-Facebook]
The first-ever virtual Inclusion Breakfast themed Changing Lives, Changing Communities is in the books. However, the funds are still rolling in and the final count is somewhere above 108 thousand dollars.
A week after the event, Inclusion Lloydminster is basking in the community generosity. The event which has an in-person tradition dating back some 10 years, was not held last year as the wave of COVID uncertainty stalled the gathering.
2021 is seeing the non-profit having all smiles as the funding will support the numerous projects which foster inclusion.
National Gas Company keeps local track and field coaches active during pandemic
Mark Loquan -
THE National Gas Company (NGC) of TT Ltd has embarked on a journey to provide knowledge to approximately 80 teachers and coaches by offering virtual sessions.
A NGC media release on Friday said, “The aim of this intervention is to reduce the interruption to training programmes by facilitating the development of online coaching best practices in TT.”
The release said sessions such as online facilitation and online platforms, introduction to virtual coaching and getting started with physical literacy, will be facilitated by the Youth Training and Employment Partnership programme and Sport for Life, a non-governmental organisation based in Canada.
Published: 3/5/2021 3:54:32 PM
In August 2016, Huntington, West Virginia made headlines when it suffered 27 heroin overdoses in four hours.
Even in a state with the highest drug overdose death rate in the country, that day stood out as a catastrophe, becoming a kind of call to arms. Of the 27 overdoses, there was only one fatality, but community leaders realized something had to be done.
“The volcano just kind of erupted that day,” Ashley M. Shaw said. “We became known as the epicenter throughout the nation.”
Fast-forward to February 2021, when Shaw addressed two dozen people on a Hampshire HOPE virtual meeting for a decidedly more hopeful reason.
Mock interview days were held to give students tips and advice from experts on job seeking. Year 11 students at Atlantic Academy on Portland were given a head start on the competition through the mock interview day, which took place just days before lockdown. It was organised in conjunction with the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership. Students were put through their paces by a range of professionals from a retired dentist to a prison officer and a recruitment specialist from Mploy, an agency based in the South West. Tasha Board, Careers Lead at Atlantic Academy Secondary, organised the event and said: Our mock interview days give our students valuable experience. They gain an insight into what employers are looking for through the various professionals that take part – we have a lot of support from the local community – and they are given feedback and tips on how to improve if necessary.’’
MHEP received £1.7m from BII this year. Photo: Vianney Le Caer By Kristy Dorsey Assets under management and advisory by the investment arm of The Big Issue broke through the £200 million barrier this year, the 10th anniversary of the launch of its first investment fund. The annual impact report from Big Issue Invest (BII) shows that it is now supporting more than one million individuals across the UK, with £41.7m provided to 160 organisations during the year to March 2020. In turn, those social enterprises provided services to customers often marginalised from mainstream support. Among them was the Mental Health and Employment Partnership (MHEP), which received £1.7m to help those with severe mental illness, addictions and learning disabilities into paid employment. Approximately 100 people have secured a job through this programme so far during the pandemic.